I am hoping over these wintery months, my blogging becomes a bit more frequent. I had a very stressful end of October with Liam in hospital and thank god he has out of there and all ok! Moving on from that, it is now November and I have lots in store for this month...
Tonight (Tuesday 8th November):
Liam and I are going to see Lee Evans on tour. I cannot wait as am a huge fan, and these tickets Liam bought me ages ago...from what I have heard it is a very funny gig and I am so excited!
Thursday 10th November:
My flatmate Katy's 21st birthday and we are all going out on the Wednesday night to celebrate...as there are better nights on! Looking forward to that as we have not all been out together in what feels like ages!
Wednesday 9th November:
(I know I'm working backwards here!)-is Liam's mums birthday. We are both going home at the weekend though to celebrate it which should be nice to catch up with everyone, as last time I saw his family they were up in Manchester visiting Liam in hospital..not a very nice experience!
Friday 11th November:
I am having my wisdom teeth out back home....eeeeek! I hate any kind of injection, so this is something I am really NOT looking forward to! :( wish me luck!
Every Tuesday I have my photography course which I am loving, and you can check out the blog for it here! :) Nothing much else is happening in November until the end of the month, when I graduate!!
Friday 25th November: I graduate!!
I am pretty excited for this as get to see everyone again, and we have all booked a room at some hotels in Leeds so that we can all go out together for the last time in Leeds! I am sure it will be an emotional night but one I am definitely looking forward to!
What's more, it will be exactly one month until christmas which I am extremely excited about this year-I feel like I'm a big kid again!! :)
What are everyone elses plans? Anyone else as excited about christmas as me?! xx